National Embarrassment Wants His Own Fucking Aeroplane

National embarrassment and utter buffoon, Boris Johnson, announced today that he wants a great big fucking luxury aeroplane to take him to other countries, to beg for some trade deal after the apocalyptic Brexit.

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An Artist's Impression of "Twattish Airways"
An Artist’s Impression of “Twattish Airways”

Britain’s village idiot, Boris Johnson announced today that he wants his own great big aeroplane to fly him to lots of nice countries after Brexit.

Boris Fuckwitt

The Conservative Party’s answer to Terry Fuckwitt, from the Viz comics, explained that a big, fast, luxury plane would be essential for him to pick at the trade crumbs, that have fallen on the floor;  after the EU had secured all the best deals from the table.

Bumbling Fool

Ignoring the fact the the United Kingdom has endured years of austerity, with a huge rise in the use of food banks, the bumbling fool actually thought that this was a good idea and would be widely accepted.

Shitty Trade Deal

Derek Hotscrot, told the Druid’s Loom, “I was watching the telly today, and the bloke in charge of the Bank of England said that we would al be £900 a year worse off, thanks to this ignorant fucker and his Brexit disaster. Now he wants a luxury plane to take him to nice hot countries, to try to scrape together some shitty trade deal. We will probably end up being the worlds number one sewage treatment experts or something.


I wouldn’t trust this moron to figure out a meal deal at Dominos Pizza, let alone negotiate a deal with a foreign country. I hope he catches fucking Ebola,” Mr Hotscrot added.

International Clown

We asked, international clown, Mr Johnson, for further clarification of this crass and insensitive plan.

The waffling imbecile told The Druid’s Loom, “Wiffle Waffle flummble waffle muffle ho hum, yes, um, I see, spectacular. What ho.


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May. L. Daily
June 18, 2018 18:25

this is bloddy brexotreachery at its finest!!!! are boris diserves a fookin nite ood!!!!

May. L. Daily
June 18, 2018 18:26

cracker bargel